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Technical Support

We are here to help.

Technical support is available for all our products.

During the first 30 days please call (978) 425-0053 to get any of your questions answered.

Standard support after 30 days is via. email if you have purchased an annual software maintenance package.

If you have purchased one of our software products and an annual support agreement, you can email us at anytime. You questions in most cases will be answered the same day if we receive

your email by 12:00pm EST.

If you have a support issue that needs to be answered immediately, You can get priority pay as you go support.

Priority pay as you go support can be purchased here for $195 per hour. One hour minimum charge.

Purchase Hour(s) Technical Support $195/hr.

Goods and services provided by FILETACTICS (MA, USA).
Sold through our partners secure site Inc. (Ohio, USA).